Sunday Worship & Prayer Guide – April 5, 2020

Worship with Arlen and Tanya

Hosanna (Praise is Rising)

Crown Him (Majesty)

Jesus Messiah

King of Kings

Suggested Prayer Guide for this week:

Praise & Thanks.

(Read Psalm 145:1-13 out loud)

Think of 1 or 2 things to praise and thank God for, and do that together, out loud or write them down. One family came up with 24 describing words or phrases in Psalm 145 in less than five minutes – see if you can beat that!  Even if you are alone, think of something to thank and praise God for, and do that out loud. Send that in to

Sharing & Asking.

(Read Psalm 145:14-20 out loud)

Think of something you are concerned about, that you would like prayer for, and share that with each other. If you are alone, talk with God about it, out loud.  

Take some time to pray for each other in your group. If you are alone, pray about your requests, out loud.

Would you be willing to share that with the greater church family? If so, send a note to Pastor Jason, one of the elders (or their wives), or Treasa in the church office.  We can support each other by bringing all of our requests to our great God together.

Praise & Response.

(Read Psalm 145:21 out loud)

Take 30 seconds (or more) to speak out loud to God what you find most comforting or encouraging about who He is or what He has done.  

This song is an acrostic (each verse starts with a different letter) in the original Hebrew.  See if you can make an English alphabet acrostic.
Send it to and share it with others! 

-Interactive learning:

Coloring pages Page 1 Page 2

Watch the introduction part of the sermon video. Message from Andrew Wilson.

Closing Song and Benediction

The Blessing

Connecting Challenges for the week

In Ps. 145
Verse 2 says “Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever.”  At the end of the week send in a list of one of God’s attributes or actions each day that you were thankful for.

Verse 4 says “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.”  Call someone from a generation above and below you (if possible). Tell or ask them about one time that they have seen God at work.  

Verse 14 says” The Lord upholds all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down.”  Ask God to reveal to you one person or family that needs encouragement. Call, text, facetime, zoom, write a letter on good ol’ fashioned paper, or send smoke signals.  Bless them with prayer, a shared verse, or an encouraging word.  

REMINDER: We will have a Good Friday service here on the website on April 10th.