Resurrection Sunday Worship & Prayer Guide - April 12, 2020

You can also view the service on youtube here

He is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!  We are excited to celebrate the resurrection of our Saviour and King, Jesus Christ! 
It’s great that you have joined with us today!

Worship Set – Arlen and Tanya

Low in the Grave He Lay (Christ Arose)
Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Easter Hymn)

If you have young kids in the house, you may want to play this song.  Or if you’re an older kid (Cornie?) you can play it too!

Jesus is Alive

Living Hope
Behold Him
King of Kings

Suggested Prayer Guide for Resurrection Sunday:

Praise & Thanks.

Think of 1 or 2 things to praise and thank God for - do that together, out loud and even write them down.  Even if you are alone, think of something to thank and praise God for, and do that out loud.
Share that with the rest of the church by sending it to

Sharing & Asking.

(Read Matthew 28:1-10 out loud)

Think of something you are concerned about, that you would like prayer for, and share that with each other. If you are alone, talk with God about it, out loud.  

Take some time to pray for each other in your group. If you are alone, pray about your requests, out loud.

Would you be willing to share that with the greater church family? Or would you like to be contacted to have someone contact you privately to pray for you?  If so, send a note to Pastor Jason or Pastor Andrew, one of the elders (or their wives), or Treasa Breen in the church office  We can support each other by bringing all our requests to our great God together.

Praise & Response.

(Read John 11:25-27)

Take 30 seconds (or more) to speak out loud to God what you find most comforting or encouraging about who He says He is.  

Send it to and share it with others! 

Interactive learning:

Watch the sermon video.

Response through Musical Worship and Benediction

Forever (We Sing Hallelujah)
Christ is Risen

Connecting Challenges for the week

  • Act out the Easter story (or parts of it).  Record it on video and share it by sending it to

  • Remember the song “Because He Lives”?  Take a picture of yourself holding up a sign that finishes that thought.  See the example (the white beard is optional!).